Reflections on the Gospels from a Justice Perspective written for St. Andrew's Episcopal Church by members of the congregation

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Luke 14:1,7-14

1 Sept.  Luke 14:1, 7-14 -  Radical Hospitality

There was a story circulating on Facebook this summer about a Pastor who transformed himself into a homeless person and went to the 10,000-member church where he was to be installed as the head pastor that morning.  After being ignored, glared at, asked to move to the back of the church, offered food and asked to leave, etc., he was introduced and raised the question of the meaning of disciple, and of the definitions of charity and outreach.

How can we recognize and affirm that our charitable acts of providing food, serving our homeless families, and gathering money for our various ministries are absolutely necessary, but not sufficient? How can we recognize, and affirm that "Outreach" revolves around those actions we take to acknowledge, proclaim and internalize that all human beings – especially the poor, the marginalized, the incarcerated – are children of God and members of one human family?  How can we choose discipleship by responding to Jesus’ call to us who are privileged to place others in positions of privilege; to stand in solidarity with those who our group culture says are of no account ?  How do we honor all human beings, invite them in, welcome them, worship with them, and learn from them?