Reflections on the Gospels from a Justice Perspective written for St. Andrew's Episcopal Church by members of the congregation

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

2 September 2012 Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23

2 September 2012  - Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23 –     JustPure
As I pondered that list of “evil intentions” that defile me, my first reaction was “but I would never steal from someone, much less consider killing them.  It is not in me to be greedy or wicked.”  And then I realized that the truth is that, while I would never do those things to those persons with whom I am in a close, loving relationship, I do indeed participate in theft and murder every time I fail to protest our government using tactics like assassination or torture to protect me from my enemies.  I become a model of avarice and wickedness every time I insist on paying the lowest prices for my food and clothing, ignoring the way workers are exploited in the production of those bargains.  If what this gospel says is true, that purity is about the thoughts and actions/inactions that come from my heart, it appears that, if I am not to become defiled, then I must not defile.  Since I do not defile those whom I know and love,  I must not only learn to live in solidarity with those the world has marginalized and preyed upon in some form or another,  but I also must figure out how to live in close, loving relationships with them as well – and that includes folks who would prefer to prey upon me.

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